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Merge Sort

Merge sort The merge sort technique is based on divide and conquers technique. We divide the whole dataset into smaller parts and merge them into a larger piece in sorted order. It is also very effective for worst cases because this algorithm has lower time complexity for the worst case also

Example :

Algorithm - Merge sort

 Algorithm Mergesort [A (0..n-1)]
    //This algorithm sorts array A [0...n-1] by recursive mergesort.
    // Input : An array A(0,n-1) of orderable elements.
    // Output : Array A [0,n-1] sorted in non- decreasing order .
        if n>1 
        Copy A [0…[n/2]-1] to B [0…[n/2]-1] 
        Copy A [[n/2]… n-1] to C [0…[ n/2] - 1] 
        MergeSort (B [0…[n/2]-1]) 
        MergeSort (C [0…[ n/2] - 1]) Merge (B, C, A) 
        Algorithm: Merge (B [0…p-1], C [0...q-1], A [0...p+q-1]) 
        //Merges two sorted arrays into one sorted array. 
        //Input: Arrays B [0…p-1] and C [0...q-1] both sorted.
       //Output: Sorted array A [0...p+q-1] of the elements of B and C. 
         i ← 0;  j←0;  k←0 
        while i<= C[j] A[k] ← B[i]; 
        i← i+1 
        else A[k] ← C[j]; j← j+1 k ← k+1 
        if i=p 
        copy C [j…q-1] to A[k…p+q-1] 
        else copy B [i…p-1] to A[k…p+q-1] 


Following are the implementation of Merge sort into programs


#include < stdio.h>  
/* Function to merge the subarrays of a[] */  
void merge(int a[], int beg, int mid, int end)    
    int i, j, k;  
    int n1 = mid - beg + 1;    
    int n2 = end - mid;    
    int LeftArray[n1], RightArray[n2]; //temporary arrays  
    /* copy data to temp arrays */  
    for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++)    
    LeftArray[i] = a[beg + i];    
    for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++)    
    RightArray[j] = a[mid + 1 + j];    
    i = 0; /* initial index of first sub-array */  
    j = 0; /* initial index of second sub-array */   
    k = beg;  /* initial index of merged sub-array */  
    while (i < n1 && j < n2)    
        if(LeftArray[i] <= RightArray[j])    
            a[k] = LeftArray[i];    
            a[k] = RightArray[j];    
    while (i< n1)    
        a[k] = LeftArray[i];    
    while (j < n2)    
        a[k] = RightArray[j];    
void mergeSort(int a[], int beg, int end)  
    if (beg < end)   
        int mid = (beg + end) / 2;  
        mergeSort(a, beg, mid);  
        mergeSort(a, mid + 1, end);  
        merge(a, beg, mid, end); 
/* Function to print the array */  
void printArray(int a[], int n)  
    int i;  
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  
        printf("%d ", a[i]);  
int main()  
    int a[] = { 12, 31, 25, 8, 32, 17, 40, 42 };  
    int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);  
    printf("Before sorting array elements are - \n");  
    printArray(a, n);  
    mergeSort(a, 0, n - 1);  
    printf("After sorting array elements are - \n");  
    printArray(a, n);  
    return 0;  

class Merge {  
    /* Function to merge the subarrays of a[] */  
    void merge(int a[], int beg, int mid, int end)    
        int i, j, k;  
        int n1 = mid - beg + 1;    
        int n2 = end - mid;    
       /* temporary Arrays */  
            int LeftArray[] = new int[n1];  
            int RightArray[] = new int[n2];  
        /* copy data to temp arrays */  
        for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)    
        LeftArray[i] = a[beg + i];    
        for (j = 0; j < n2; j++)    
        RightArray[j] = a[mid + 1 + j];    
        i = 0; /* initial index of first sub-array */  
        j = 0; /* initial index of second sub-array */   
        k = beg;  /* initial index of merged sub-array */  
        while (i < n1 && j < n2)    
            if(LeftArray[i] <= RightArray[j])    
                a[k] = LeftArray[i];    
                a[k] = RightArray[j];    
        while (i< n1)    
            a[k] = LeftArray[i];    
        while (j< n2)    
            a[k] = RightArray[j];    
    void mergeSort(int a[], int beg, int end)  
        if (beg < end)   
    int mid = (beg + end) / 2;  
            mergeSort(a, beg, mid);  
            mergeSort(a, mid + 1, end);  
            merge(a, beg, mid, end);  
    /* Function to print the array */  
    void printArray(int a[], int n)  
        int i;  
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  
            System.out.print(a[i] + " ");  
    public static void main(String args[])  
        int a[] = { 11, 30, 24, 7, 31, 16, 39, 41 };  
        int n = a.length;  
        Merge m1 = new Merge();  
        System.out.println("\nBefore sorting array elements are - ");  
        m1.printArray(a, n);  
        m1.mergeSort(a, 0, n - 1);  
        System.out.println("\nAfter sorting array elements are - ");  
        m1.printArray(a, n);  

# Merges two subarrays of arr[].
# First subarray is arr[l..m]
# Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
def merge_sort(unsortedList):
if len(unsortedList) > 1:
mid = len(unsortedList) // 2
leftList = unsortedList[:mid]
rightList = unsortedList[mid:]

# Recursive call when we go two list (left and right) for sorting

# Because we have two lists, so we need to iterators for iteration of each list
m = 0
n = 0
# We need one common iterator which iterates to the main list
z = 0                                
while m < len(leftList) and n < len(rightList):
if leftList[m] <= rightList[n]:
# Here we are using the first left side elements
unsortedList[z] = leftList[m]
# Increment the main iterator
m += 1
  unsortedList[z] = rightList[n]
  n += 1
z += 1

# If values are left in the list, then we process here
while m < len(leftList):
unsortedList[z] = leftList[m]
m += 1
z += 1

while n < len(rightList):
n += 1
z += 1

unsortedList = [23,56,0,23,85,100,200,12,32,78,90,102]

Sample Output

Before sorting array

22 33 11 88 33 44

Sorted array is

11 22 33 33 44 88

Time Complexity


Note: For better Visualized Understanding visit our algorithm Visualizer


Insertion sort